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Northeast Dental Counseling, Ltd., assists with dental practice sales in Massachusetts, Central and Southern New Hampshire.

Every dental practice is unique. While there may be similarities, each practice is as individual as the dentist who owns it. No practice can be accurately measured and described with "rules of thumb," generalities, and stock cost or income formulae.

Northeast Dental Counseling, Ltd. is also unique. Whether your interest is buying or selling, only Northeast takes the time to carefully analyze each situation, to determine the best course of action for all principles involved. This kind of analysis cannot be done by forcing your needs to fit some impersonal computer model. It takes longer ... it's more difficult ... and it requires the kind of specialized knowledge and personal commitment that only Arthur B. Gordon of Northeast Dental Counseling can provide.

Arthur B. Gordon has more than twenty-five years of success in the business of dentistry, specializing in start-up, expansion, and purchase and sales of practices. During these years, it has become evident that a new dentist's greatest potential will be realized through the purchase of an existing practice.

Northeast Dental Counseling is dedicated to the art of structuring an agreement that equally addresses the personal and financial needs of both the buyer and the seller.

Alternatives must be thoughtfully weighed, prospective buyers and sellers must be carefully matched, financial arrangements must be precisely structured and absolute confidentiality must be maintained. With these common goals, a smooth transition is assured.

It's never too early to plan intelligently for your future. You should start with a phone call to Northeast Dental Counseling. A brief, no obligation meeting will help determine the best plan of action to secure your future.

Arthur B. Gordon has more than twenty-five years of success in the business of dentistry, specializing in start-up, expansion, and purchase and sales of practices. During these years, it has become evident that a new dentist's greatest potential will be realized through the purchase of an existing practice.
Arthur B. Gordon
Northeast Dental Counseling, Ltd., offers expertise in:
Appraisal and evaluation of dental practices and equipment for purchase, sale, insurance, and estate planning
Evaluation and qualification of buyer's financial ability
Accurate match-up of buyer and seller, with respect to practice philosophy, financial ability, and goals
Structuring financial arrangements so that the price is affordable, the tax burden minimized, and the practice remains healthy
Obtaining the most advantageous financing
Partnership buy-ins

Arthur B. Gordon - Northeast Dental Counseling, Ltd. - 12 Sgt. Roode Lane, Middleton, MA. 01949
Phone: 978.774.2400 | Fax: 978.750.1444 | Email: arthur@thedentalbroker.com

© 2002 Northeast Dental Counseling, Ltd. All rights reserved.